Karen took a floor loom weaving class in Minneapolis. This is her first effort at weaving : a Chevron Pattern.
Karen finished her Ndebele beaded bracelet.
Katy's Rain Wall hanging.
Katy's Star Table Topper.
Katy's Tryptic 1
Katy's Tryptic 2
Katy's Tryptic 3
Michele shared a personal Journal Quilt called What Have You Lost.
Read more about it here.
5-part gradation dyes from Michele. Bark and Antique Rose.
Parfait Dye (Color-by-Accident) method by Michele
Lynda's amazing Felted piece. [Looks like Northern Lights to me!]
Sandy's 44D Bra Purse (components courtesy of Goodwill)
Gill's Gourd and egg
Gill's notebook cover.
Gill's needle felting
Gill's Needle Felting (small case)
Betty's beaded pin.